Tuesday, February 22, 2011

100 day celebration

Wednesday, February 9th was the 100 day of school.  The children made a collection of 100 things and we had a museum of their 100 collection. Parents were invited to view the museum, and the children took turns going and looking at the different displays. The children made supportive comments to each other, "this is good" "you did all of that" and "I like it".   Anuj is demonstrating this paper clip chain to Ibrahima and Helene.

Anuj is helping Joseph make things with his 100 legos, as Sam, Vlad, Kotaro and Regine look on.

David show Nicola's mother his book with 100 pieces of pasta arranged in different shapes.

Halima and Helene with their collections, as Joseph finishes building with his legos.

Kotaro arranged his 100 pieces of pasta in to train.
Kotaro's mom checks out Ibrahima's collection which has a variety of things to add up to 100.

Mariam created a necklace with 100 beads.

Regine arranged her 100 pieces into a mosaic, while Boubacar brought in 100 pieces of tile in a box.

Tatyana wowed everyone with her writing 100 words. Tatyana's favorite thing is writing, so she made a collection of words!

Vlad collected 100 bottle caps, and then arranged them into 10 groups of 10 caps each.

Zeinab collected 100 shells and grouped them by size.

At the end, the children received special recognition for their efforts.  Everyone had a unique idea for collecting and arranging their collection.

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