Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kindergarten Rules

At the beginning of the school year, each child received a book about the rules, routines and expectations for kindergarten.  Less than half of the children had attended ISD the year before.  When the group posed for the cover picture, I promised them that I would take a picture with silly faces, but first we need to take a serious one.  After the pictures were printed, we chose the silly faces, because as one child, "we have fun in school".

We write our name.

We learn French.

We sit for morning meeting.

We share snack with our friends.

We run on the playground

We walk to class.
We wash our hands at the canaclas.

We write our stories.

We keep our writing folders in our cubbies.

We listen attentively during story time.

We raise our hands to talk. 

We play math games.

We make good choices at work time.

We help one another at clean up time.

We hug goodbye.

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